It is very convenient to believe in God as a persona who listens to our prayers and fulfills our wishes. But, it is very inconvenient to have faith, unflinching trust in God who can speak to us, who can reprimand us for our wrong doings, who can warn us whenever we allow ourselves to be enslaved by our mind and led astray.

Therefore, we like to believe that God does not speak anymore; that the last time he spoke was several centuries ago to so and so. In the name of God and to defend Him, we have been persecuting those who feel, genuinely feel that God has spoken to them; that He still speaks. And, those with open hearts and ears can actually feel and hear Him speaking. Indeed, they can even see Him as we humans can see each other.

This little books is about God speaking to you and me, to all of us. Having said that, I must also warn you that this book is meant for those, and only those who have open hearts. For those true seekers of truth, The Truth, who are willing to sacrifice all man made dogmas and doctrines to have first hand experience of listening to what He has to say.

I hear Him as He speaks through my Master, but the experience is not mine alone. I have no monopoly over it. You can hear Him too, as clearly as I hear Him... just open your heart!


Sangatlah mudah untuk percaya kepada Gusti sebagai sosok yang mendengarkan doa-doa kita dan memenuhi keinginan kita. Akan tetapi, sungguh tidak mudah memiliki keyakinan, kepercayaan yang tak tergoyahkan kepada Gusti yang dapat berbicara dengan kita, yang bisa menegur kita atas kesalahan-kesalahan kita, yang mengingatkan kita senantiasa saat kita terlena diperbudak oleh pikiran kita dan tersesat.

Sebab itu, kita lebih suka untuk memercayai bahwa Dia sudah tidak berbicara lagi sejak terakhir kalinya berbicara beberapa abad yang lalu. Dengan mengatasnamakan Tuhan dan untuk, apa yang kita anggap sebagai pembelaan terhadap Dia, kita telah menganiaya orang-orang yang sungguh bisa merasakan bahwa Dia berbicara kepada mereka; orang-orang yang merasakan Dia masih berbicara.

Publisher: Centre for Vedic & Dharmic Studies